Elisa Levi
Resident Physician
Grey Bruce Health Services
Owen Sound, Ontario
Dr. Elisa Levi graduated from the Michael G. DeGroote School of Medicine (class of 2021) and is currently doing her residency in family medicine at Grey Bruce Health Services – Owen Sound Hospital. As a consultant, she has advised several non profit organizations on nutrition & health strategies working with Indigenous peoples. She is a member of the board for Edkaagmik Nbiizh Neyaashiinigamiingninwag Edbendaagzijig Trust in her community, and sits on the boards of the Indigenous Peoples Resilience Fund and the Anishnawbe Health Foundation. She has a Master of Public Health from Lakehead University and Bachelor of Science with a focus on Nutrition from Ryerson University. She is a proud Anishinaabe, mother of two and member of the Chippewas of Nawash in Ontario.