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Candidates must have their Sponsor complete and submit this form online by September 30, 2024. Self-employed applicants, or applicants who do not have a sponsor, are advised to have this section completed by someone who knows them personally and is in a leadership position in their sector or community. It is expected that the Sponsor and the Sponsoring Organization view the candidate as a current or future leader who will take on increasing levels of responsibility within their organization or community. Should the Sponsoring Organization is the candidate’s employer, we recommend that they fully support and ensure that the successful candidate’s salary and benefits continue during the period of his or her absence while attending this two-week conference. Although not mandatory, it is also expected that the Sponsoring Organization (employer) will defray the cost of travel to the Opening Plenary in Montréal (Québec) and home from the Closing Plenary in Quebec City. The successful candidate’s accommodation, travel, and meal expenses during the program will be paid by the Conference. The preferred method of submitting the Sponsor Endorsement Form is electronically (via the online form). However, you may download a PDF version of the Sponsor Endorsement Form, should you prefer to submit the form electronically via email.


*denotes required field



After submitting the endorsement form, please allow up to five minutes for the confirmation page to appear. An email confirmation message will be sent upon receipt of your submission. If you do not receive a confirmation email, should expect that the Conference has not received your endorsement either. It may be necessary to check your SPAM/Junk folder. Please save the confirmation message for your records. For assistance, please email us at or call 1-877-388-4427